The epic poem Ramayana from India, has spread throughout among many regions of Southeast Asia, having been adopted as the main theme in various performing art forms such as theater, dance drama, and mask dance even up to the present day.

Photography by researchers and other artists' works shared via Instagram can be spread worldwide and stored forever, with periodic and continuous stages, the existence of Wayang Golek, especially Punakawan Sundanese, will be maintained.Keywords: Art Fotografi Punakawan Culture Wayang Golek.This study takes up the subject of Ramayana folklore in Indonesia.

The results of this study indicate that Photography can be one of the media in maintaining the existence of Wayang Golek, especially the Sundanese Punakawan group, through social media such as Instagram. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach obtained through interviews, observations and is equipped with photographic works. The purpose of the research is to maintain the existence of the Punakawan Sundanese Wayang Golek Culture through the media of Photography. Photography is one part of the technology that can bridge the Punakawan Sundanese Wayang Golek Culture in maintaining its existence. Wayang Golek is one of the nation's cultural heritage that grows and develops in West Java, and its existence still exists today but is starting to decline. Even in his 56th of age he still succeeded to create another popular work. Kosasih practised what a popular artist usually did: to always adapt to changes of. The scene itself expressed an adjustment to the lifestyles at that time. The angles of the scene drawn were more dynamic and variated. Kosasih adjusted his drawing style like younger artist at that time. The pictures in Maranatha version were designed in a more up dated style in comics. The storylines were basically the same, but there were differences not only in formats or spelling system, but in the visual narratives. The first was in 1955, published by Melodi and the second in 1975, by Maranatha.

He created two versions of Mahabharata comics. Kosasih, was one that was known for his mastery in creatingWayang Comics, and Mahabharata was his best creation. Mahabharata was an epic Hindu story that has been adapted to comics for so many times, by many comic artists.